Subscription and fees
Adult match fees
In employment
£10 per match if a cricket tea is provided
£7 if no tea
Not in employment / in full time education
£5 per match if a cricket tea is provided
£3 if no tea
Sunday games £5 (includes a BBQ/Tea)
Reduced fees if you play Saturday and Sunday
£3 per match
Adult yearly membership £100 this allows you to play in any matches that you are selected for. It also covers costs for winter nets so please do join in these if you can.
Colts yearly membership £60 and £100 for 2 children from the same family, this allows you to play in any matches that you are selected for. It also covers all training throughout the summer months.
Social membership £50, this allows you to play in the Wednesday Whack, adult training on a Tuesday evening and Winter Nets